How To Get A Doctorate In Journalism

How to Get a Doctorate in Journalism

Anyone can become a journalist — you don’t need to have any formal writing skills or specialize in reportorial journalism. But to be considered a true “journalist” — and not just another link in the fake news chain that is so frequently fed to us by our digital devices — you’ll need to earn your degree from an accredited school. Even some of the most famous names in the business struggle to get their student-writing professors assigned new assignments because people want to read their real, unaltered work. A degree from an accredited program will give you the credibility that you’ll need in today’s ever-more- scrutinizing media landscape. If you’re serious about becoming a journalist, here are five ways that earning a degree in journalism can help:

Go to School for Something You’re Good at

If you’ve always wanted to study a certain type of field, but you’re afraid to lose out on a steady paycheck by changing careers, you could always consider a career in journalism. This is a profession that requires a great deal of dedication and a serious amount of research. If you enjoy collecting news, you may want to consider a career in newspapers or magazines, or in online news websites.

Get a Job You Enjoy

Depending on how often you do freelance writing, this may not be the best option for you. But if you find that you are more interested in working in marketing or corporate communications than you are in writing news articles, editorials, or features, then a job as a journalist may work for you. Here are some job openings in the field of journalism: Senior Managing Editor, Associated Press; National News Editor, Knight Ridder; Associate Editor, New York Daily News; Staff Writer, Idaho Press; Online Editor, Associated Press; Associated Press News Editor, Reuters; Print Editor, Reuters.

Network, Network, Network

Anywhere you can network with like-minded people is a great place to start. Go to events, participate in panels, and network with fellow journalists on the side. Join a professional association, such as the National Association of Black Journalists, or the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Look for ways to get involved with the larger network of journalists in your area.

Look Into Journalist Jobs

These are the jobs that require a degree, or at least a good amount of education. You can usually find information about them on university websites. Times Staff Writer: Minimum of a bachelor’s degree and 10 years of experience required. Washington Correspondent: A bachelor’s degree in journalism would be helpful, but a degree in history or political science would also be nice. Metro Editor: At least a bachelor’s degree is required, and a good one is always useful.

Learn How to Run an Article Through An Editor

An edited version of your work is called a “run,” and it is critical to the success of any journalist. Some of the skills you’ll acquire in this role will help you write better, and faster, and more efficiently. First, you’ll need to know the basics of running an article or feature through an editor. This will help you understand the various stages that a story may go through, and how the various stages affect the article’s progress. You’ll also learn about their workflow, and how to use various tools to properly structure and edit an article.

Take Online Coursework That’s Worth Taking

Online university coursework is a good option for those who cannot easily come to campus to take classes. But make sure you’re taking coursework worth taking. Check out online journalism courses, such as this one from the University of New Mexico. It’s relatively cheap ($95), and filled with in-depth information about the business of journalism.

Find a Barista or Food Reviewer that Stands Out to You

You’ll spend a good amount of time in your office, your car, and the cafe, so make sure you have a good friend that you can call when you need to get something off your chest. Meet with other local Journalists to discuss topics you’re interested in, and find a local blogger or food critic that you like. Ask them to review your product or service.


The requirements to earn a degree in journalism are fairly simple. All you have to do is put in the work, and you’ll be rewarded with valuable experience and a Masters or Doctorate in Journalism degree. While earning a degree may seem like a daunting task, there are a number of online programs that will help you get started. These degrees will give you the credibility that you need to succeed in the media landscape, and open up many opportunities for you in the future.

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