My Favorite Hair Dye for a Bright Blonde: Skyy 90

My Favorite Hair Dye for a Bright Blonde: Skyy 90

I can’t think of anything more fun than going through your hemoglobin-filled closet on a Saturday night and deciding which piece of clothes to wear the next day. It’s a magical time, right? You know that feeling you get when you pore over pretty pictures of yourself for hours on end and suddenly you can see the whole picture? You look better than you did in high school. How do I know? Because that’s how I feel after dyeing my hair back in October. I first dyed my hair this way about five years ago, when it was all blonde and straight up icky. But recently, something changed: I realized my natural brown color was starting to fade from daily exposure to sunlight, humidity, and pollution. When my husband learned I used to sport a wholesome chocolate brown, he said “why not go back to what got you here in the first place?” So this past fall, I made the decision to give myself an elaborate bobsleigh ride with an all- platinum finish. The results were nothing short of magnificent. My favorite part? Once I saw the final product, no one could tell it was dyed! The only thing that stood out were those signature highlights where it used to be an average shade of blonde (but not too bad).

What is Hair Dye?

Hair dyes are powders, liquids, oils, or strips that are added to the hair to give it a color. The most common type is dye that is made from natural ingredients, like henna, turmeric, and honey. Dyes that contain chemicals can cause permanent damage to the hair and skin. Unfortunately, there’s a dark side to this industry:chemicals can be used to produce unnatural colors that are very expensive to re- dye. That’s where natural hair dyes like the ones from Colorista come in.

How to Wear Your Favorite Hair Color

Choosing your favorite hair color is like choosing your favorite shirt or favorite pair of shoes. They’re not just a look you have, they’re a feeling that you get when you wear them. Unfortunately, it’s super hard to describe how your favorite color looks on you — especially if that color is a darker shade than how you usually wear it. Thankfully, Colorista has a “look” called “skyy 90,” a true hue for a blonde hair color. With skyy 90, you only have one option for the color: blonde. If you want your hair to be a shade darker, you can always darken the hair with a makeup artist. You can also go for a more subtle look with a “light color” which I love. It’s a great balance between the two—and for those of you who want to go for the most extreme look, there’s always “frizzy 90.”

My Favorite Hair Dye for a Bright Blonde

When it comes to choosing your favorite hair dye, there are a few things to keep in mind. If you’re growing out your hair, you don’t want your new hair color to be too bright. But if you’re just starting out with your new color, you don’t want it too dark either. It should be able to withstand daily shampoo, conditioner, and heat damage. It should be permanent.


If you’ve been thinking about doing something drastic with your hair, stop thinking and just do it. Dye your hair! It will feel amazing, and you’ll be able to wear your new hairdo for weeks without having to worry about it getting out of control.

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